Hursley Park House 1902 - 1940 (The Cooper Era)

The Cooper Family

The Cooper era was an opulent period which proved to be the swan song of the house as a private residence. After Mr G A Cooper purchased Hursley Park in 1902, the village people soon realised that the old order of the Park House was to continue on an even grander scale. The Coopers, being very wealthy, had the means to administer the house and estate in a way that most other people could only dream about. Mr Cooper had been a solicitor in his native town of Elgin in Moray, Scotland; his wife was American, and had inherited an immense fortune from an American uncle whose business was in real estate and canning. It was encouraging for the people of Hursley village to know that Mr Cooper was a philanthropist: he had earlier presented his home town of Elgin with a valuable park and house. The Coopers also had an estate in Scotland and a large house in London where the American Embassy stands today.

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