Merdon Manor

Merdon Manor house seems to have come into existence between 1552 and 1588 and was either the larger of a collection of some dwellings grouped approximately half-a-mile to the west of Merdon Castle, or the principal house on the site of Merdon Castle. The map dated 1588 shows that Merdon Castle had within its earthworks buildings that look like a farm that was large for its day; it consisted of five substantial buildings in an orderly layout typical of many old farms today. (The farm existed until about 1843 when it was replaced by the present Home Farm, leaving the Norman earthworks clear of later developments.) The manor rights seem to have been transferred to Hursley’s Great Lodge around 1659 when Richard Cromwell took up residence before his exile.

Around 1602 there is an account of a quarrel between the tenant farmers (copyholders) and

Map Map of Hursley deer park, 1588. (North is to the right.)

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