Other Buildings

In 1908, the entertainment hall was the next major project to be built. This was situated behind, and parallel with, the stables (see plan on page 107), and had a shallow pitched roof, again so that it could not be seen from the house. The entrance to the entertainment hall was from the west end into the vestibule with cloakrooms each side and a projection box above. At the opposite end there was a stage with dressing rooms behind, and a squash court at the back of the rooms. It was said that the hall had the best dance floor for 20 miles around. The hall also had central heating (the boiler being underneath with access on the stable side) and its furnishings were outstandingly good. Besides using this hall for private functions, the Coopers made it available to the village for local functions. Providing proper notice was given, the hall was prepared, heated and attended to free of charge. The hall also had facilities for showing lantern slides and early movies — thus it was not surprising that Hursley itself had no village hall.

In 1909, a new laundry was built, replacing the old one immediately behind the King’s Head public house in the village. The new building was erected adjacent to the Home Farm. Architecturally it is an intriguing building which demands attention yet does not seem out of place. The very necessity for such a laundry building gives a clue to the scale of life in the big house. Today the building serves well as the estate office.

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